The Cheshire Home
The Cheshire Home in Carcavelos is a non-profit institution dedicated to the care of handicapped people.
In 1959 – Following a visit from Group Captain Cheshire to address an audience in the Palácio Foz in Lisbon, on the invitation of the Santa Casa da Misericordia (Nurse Molly Stilwell) a Steering Committee was set up, a house in Oeiras lent by the Misericórdia, volunteers helped in the redecoration and supply of furniture and the Home opened in 1963 with 7 women residents.
In December 1971 – The Home moved to a house in Carcavelos, rent paid by the Misericórdia who continued to pay for the maintenance of the establishment, now 12 residents.
In September 1985 – New purpose built Home for 32 residents, men and women, was inaugurated by Group Captain Cheshire. Since 1985 – the Home which is registered as a non-profit making private institution (IPSS-Instituto Particular de Solidariedade Social), has protocol signed with the Segurança Social who give us a monthly sum per resident for the running of the Home, perhaps 75% of the running expenses. The rest has to be acquired by fundraising activities, including a monthly sale run by the residents of second-hand clothes and general jumble donated by the local community, residents’ contributions according to their pensions; annual legacies, assistance from WRVS, Lions, Trash and Treasure, Charity Bridge Association, and other members of the British Community Council.
The committee are all volunteers and the Home has 25 full time workers including a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist and a part-time nurse.
The shop in the Home is open Monday to Thursday inclusive from 10:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 15:30 hrs.
Dra. Sandra Martins
Lar da Boa Vontade
Av. do Loureiro, 251,
2775-599 Carcavelos.
Phone: (00351) 21 457 2696
Website: n/a